Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music

Projects and Collaborations


Arts and Health Evaluation Toolkit (AHET)

The Arts and Health Evaluation Toolkit (AHET) will provide a set of tools for rigorous evaluation of arts/cultural/heritage activities on health and well-being. The digital resource will offer advice on which tools artist/musician practitioners and arts/heritage organisations can employ to examine the impact of their activities on the recipients’ health and well-being. The toolkit will provide descriptions of the various tools/measures that may be used, and will also impart practical guidance, use cases, and best practices in the area.


Movin’ and Groovin’ for Wellness

Learn to move and groove freely through improvisation in our flagship programme, led by professional percussionists and dancers.


The impact of live vs pre-recorded music on dialysis patients

In partnership with National Kidney Foundation Singapore and The TENG Company, we are investigating how music impacts mental health, quality of life, and physiological wellbeing in dialysis patients.


Sing out Loud!

We are partnering with Esplanade to evaluate the impact of Sing Out Loud!, Esplanade’s community engagement programme which provides opportunities for nursing home residents living with dementia and their caregivers to deepen their engagement through singing and intergenerational interactions.



Discover our work on NOURISH (Next-Generation Brain-Computer-Brain Platform), a holistic solution for the restoration and enhancement of brain function.


Leading and Guiding through music

YST students work in groups to design and lead their own projects that bring music to the community and meaningfully connect society with music.


Health district @ Queenstown

As part of a first-of-its-kind collaboration, CMH helped pilot studies in Health District @ Queenstown to test the efficacy of art on the health and well-being of Queenstown residents.


Selected Publications


AI-Based Affective Music Generation Systems: A Review of Methods and Challenges

A review useful for readers seeking to understand the state-of-the-art in AI-AMG systems and to gain an overview of the methods used for developing them, thereby helping them explore this field in the future.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Computing Surveys 2024


Understanding music and aging through the lens of Bayesian inference

With Bayesian inference as an overarching framework, this review synthesizes the literature on predictive inferences in music and aging, and details how music could be a promising tool in preventive and rehabilitative interventions for older adults through the lens of Bayesian inference.

Elsevier 2024


New advances and novel applications of music technologies for health, well-being, and inclusion

Exploring intersections in music technology research aimed at promoting health, wellbeing, and inclusion, investigating how new methods, technologies, interfaces, and applications can enable everyone to enjoy the benefits of sound and music.

Frontiers in Computer Science 2024


Know Thyself: Improving interoceptive ability through ambient biofeedback in the workplace

Interoception, the perception of the body’s internal state, is intimately connected to self-regulation and wellbeing. Grounded in the affective science literature, we design an ambient biofeedback system called Soni-Phy and a lab study to investigate whether, when and how an unobtrusive biofeedback system can be used to improve interoceptive sensibility and accuracy by amplifying a users’ internal state. This research has practical significance for the design and improvement of assistive technologies for the workplace.

Association for Information Systems (AIS) Conference on Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction (SIGHCI) 2023


Intra- and inter-brain coupling and activity dynamics during improvisational music therapy with a person with dementia: an explorative EEG-hyperscanning single case study

This single case study explored within-session differences in musical features and in within- and between-brain coupling between a Person with Dementia (PwD) and a music therapist during a music therapy session.

Frontiers in Psychology: Cognitive Science 2023


AffectMachine-Classical: a novel system for generating affective classical music

This work introduces a new music generation system, called AffectMachine- Classical, that is capable of generating affective Classic music in real-time.

Frontiers in Psychology 2023


MERP: A Music Dataset with Emotion Ratings and Raters’ Profile Information

In this study, we present the Music Emotion Recognition with Profile information dataset (MERP), containing music features, as well as user profile information of the annotators.

Sensors 2023


Music, Computing, and Health: A Roadmap for the Current and Future Roles of Music Technology for Health Care and Well-Being

This article provides an overview of music, computing and health, and their potential contributions to developing music technology for health and well-being.

Music & Science 2021


Music Therapy During COVID-19: Changes to the Practice, Use of Technology, and What to Carry Forward in the Future

The purpose of this survey study is to observe trends in how music therapists from different regions around the world have had to alter their practice, especially in relation to their use of technology during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Frontiers in Psychology 2021


Developing Music Technology For emotion Regulation and Motor Rehabilitation

Medical technology involving music is increasingly being developed for various clinical and non-clinical contexts to support health and well-being. This paper focuses on two recent systems that allow users to steer their own wellness and recovery.

Proceedings of the 16th WFMT World Congress of Music Therapy 2020


A closed-loop, music-based brain-computer interface for emotion mediation

We propose a non-invasive brain-computer interface (BCI) system to feedback a person’s affective state such that a closed-loop interaction between the participant’s brain responses and the musical stimuli is established.

PLoS ONE 2019


A novel music-based game with motion capture to support cognitive and motor function in the elderly

This paper presents a novel game prototype that uses music and motion detection as preventive medicine for the elderly. Our prototype uses music not only to engage listeners, but also to leverage the efficacy of music to improve mental and physical wellness.

IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) 2019


Music and Motion-Detection: A Game Prototype for Rehabilitation and Strengthening in the Elderly

We offer a prototype for a motion- detection and music game to inspire greater engagement and adherence from patients undergoing physical therapy exercises for rehabilitation or strengthening.

IEEE International Conference on Orange Technologies (ICOT) 2017